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Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

September 23 - 27, 2019

Date and Time Details: Check-in time is 12:00pm Friday. Check-out time is 12:00pm Sunday. Registration begins at 12:00 PM, the ashram is closed after 8:00 PM, please arrive before 8:00 PM. We recommend that you arrive between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM in order to join the afternoon Asana class.

What to Bring: In-door slippers, loose comfortable clothes, notebooks, meditation shawl or blanket, yoga mat, flashlight. All books and materials are available in our boutique.

  • Tenting – $420.00
  • Ngủ lều – $338.00
  • Shared 4-person – $436.00
  • Phòng 4 người – $358.00
  • Shared (2-person) – $484.00
  • Phòng 2 người – $382.00
  • Single Room – $564.00
  • Phòng 1 người – $470.00

** All options include 2 vegetarian meals, 2 yoga classes, and 2 satsangs.

Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked


This retreat is for those who look for a relaxing, enery recharging 3-day weekend. It is designed to provide a full experience of Sivananda Yoga. Following the schedule here, one would learn the basic Sivananda Yoga postures, enjoy great vegetarian meals, attend meditation sessions and attain the basic knowledge whtich helps own practicing at home.


Proper Exercise – Twelve Basic Asanas, with Variations
Proper Breathing – Pranayama – yogic breathing exercises
Proper Relaxation – Savasana
Proper Diet – Yogic vegetarian diet
Positive Thinking and Meditation
Read more about the 5 points of Yoga for health and well-being

Daily Schedule

6-7:30am………………………Satsang: Silent meditation, chanting, and lecture
8-10am……………………Yoga Class
10am……………………….Vegetarian Brunch
11am……………………….Karma Yoga
1-3pm……………………..Yoga Workshop
4-6pm……………………..Yoga Class
6pm…………………………Vegetarian Dinner
8-10pm……………………Satsang: Silent meditation, chanting, and lecture